photo of woman standing on sunflower field

Plan for Joy in your Life

A planner that aids you to be intentional about cultivating joy in your daily routine.

Welcome to The Harvest Joy Planner! This revolutionary planner is designed to help those who love “planning” get more joy out of their daily grind. This approach’s primary aspect is intentionally cultivating joy in life.

Monthly, users identify four GROW statements upon which to act that month. Each week users determine actionable tasks that nourish the GROW statements. During the month, users are being intentional about daily practices that will support their efforts to cultivate a sustainable garden of joy in their lives.

Grow and Protect your joy!

Each month create four GROW mantras that you turn into actionable tasks and events in your weekly schedule.

Joy Quote

“I believe Joy is a spiritual practice we have to work at. ”

Brene Brown